Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Halloween

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Go Eagles!

We went to GSU's first home game of the season this past Saturday! It was scorching for about the first hour and then it cooled off a little. We saw alot of our friends there and spent the majority of the time walking around talking to people.
You can tell above on the left, that she looks like I used to look when football games were on=) But she loves the people, always smiling at everyone we pass. On the right is Jenny and Kayla. They are right behind us with babies on the way. Jenny is due today and Kayla is due in March. Oh yeah, GSU won.



My first piece of toast! I eat it for a few minutes and them I want to give it to CJ. He does not seem to mind=)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend at Nana and Papa's

We went up to Blairsville this past weekend to visit Nana and Papa K. It was definitely alot cooler up there than here. Avery was spoiled, as you can imagine. To the right you can see that she likes papa's glasses, she is such a smart girl=)

Up in the trees on Papa's shoulders. She loves to tear leaves off of the trees, but she loves being on top of papa and daddy's shoulders even more! Somethign about being up that high.

She also loves dogs. CJ is her favorite friend. This is Ralph, Avery's great grandparents doggie. He liked her, but not the camera.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My little jumper....

Avery already enjoys exercise.... she will stop and rest for about 5 seconds, get a big grin on her face, and start bouncing again. I can't imagine how much energy she will have when she starts crawling, much less walking.

A visit from grandma and grandpa

Grandma and grandpa came to visit this weekend. We had a good time. Avery is now 6

months old and is smilng constantly.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Bouncing is my favorite!

Matt calls this the best purchase ever=) She loves to play in it and it get's lots of energy out.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

At the beach with Nana and Papa

Matt and I went down to Jekyll Island to meet his parents for a night. We stayed in his grandparents camper. We took Avery out on the beack briefly. Matt took her out in the ocean, I only went so far, as it felt pretty nasty between my toes, and I definitely could not see what was swimming by me. Matt, his dad(David), and I went Kayaking one morning, we had a great time! Avery's papa made her a seashell necklace, of course she had to wear it naked=)

Our Summer....

Matt was a stay at home dad this summer for about 3 months! He did an excellent job,she is definitely a daddy's girl. She learned how to sit up on her own, roll over, bounce in her bouncer, and laugh. Matt and I went to the Braves game in Atlanta, while Avery spent her first night with her grandma and grandpa Walraven. I don't thin she even knew we left. I went to a fitness conference in Atlanta and worked. We will both be working starting next week. It will be hard, but we know she is in good hands=)